Procedure for Fixing Internet Explorer Which is Stuck on Server Proxies
The use of server proxies enables the computer users to have an increased security when using their personal computers by creating anonymity or restricting the access to unwanted sites in the network. In most companies, the server proxies are used to offer control of accessing the corporate network. The server proxies are mainly cache websites and they serve the stored sites to the user as they browse in the internet explorer. When using the proxy network, one should not make alterations to the network settings without permission of the network administrator. A person using home network can alter the proxy setting in their internet explorer through the control panel proxy server.
Start by powering on the personal computer. Allow the computers settings and applications to completely load. This gives the computer an ample time to configure so as to enable it have quick response to commands. Click on the start button which is usually located on the right-hand bottom corner of the home page of the personal computer followed by the control panel. On the left column of the control panel, click on the classic view button fast proxy server. When on the classic view, open the click on the internet options tab to be able to view the various options for any connection that may be used by the computer user.
On the internet options, click on the tab for the connections to be able to view1 all the available internet settings options. This is followed by clicking the local area network settings. Uncheck on the box for automatic detection of settings, use of proxy servers for the local area network or use of automatic configuration of scripts all which were currently checked. Click the ‘ok’ option to apply and then ‘ok’ again to complete the process of fixing the explorer stuck on the server proxies.